Amanda Mathson, Author at Archives

What Content Do You Really Need For Your Site?

Even for the most basic of websites, it can be tough to pick and choose what content to include. As contrary as it may seem, keeping your site simple is sometimes anything but. To help you get started, I’ve broken down the basic content every website should have, as well the content you really don’t need….

Why You Need a Content Strategy – Part Three

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So, you know what to do to attract visitors to your site and engage them with compelling, relevant content. Now, it’s time to do some relationship building. And nothing helps to build relationships more than inspiring your users. Goal #3: Inspire Isn’t this the same as engaging your audience? No. To engage your audience is to…

Why You Need a Content Strategy – Part Two

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So, in Part One on the topic of a content strategy for your website, we talked about how to attract visitors. Now, it’s time to woo them. GOAL #2: ENGAGE Think of your website as your store front. Incorporating good, or “white hat,” SEO techniques like those mentioned in Part One is how you get…

Why You Need a Content Strategy (Even If You Think You Don’t) – Part One

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How is your site’s content helping you grow your business and reach your target audience? You’d be amazed how many people have no idea. The success of your website doesn’t begin and end with its design. In fact, content fuels design – not the other way around. Content too often becomes an afterthought when really, it is the…