The Focus97 Blog

Topical musings on UX design, development, web content strategy, photography, and whatever else we think of.


iPhone 5, the iPhone 4 killer: First impressions… wait, the 5?!

Yeah, just kidding.  It’s only the iPhone 4, alas.  But here’s my relatively informal review, 24 hours in. While standing in the “reservations” line yesterday morning for 3.5 hours, seeing many happy customers coming out sporting the  new fancy gizmo, I looked at it and wondered if I was going to have buyer’s remorse. I…

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How to Control Shutter and Aperture, and Why?

Together, the shutter speed & aperture control the exposure of an image. But what do these two assets of image construction really do?

The same thing. They both control how much light will reach the film (or digital sensor), but they do it very differently.

Think of a water faucet filling a one gallon bucket. To achieve this, you could fill the bucket fast by opening the valve to full. Or, you could fill the bucket, drop by drop, over a long period of time by only opening the valve slightly.

Hmm, sounds interesting...


Haiti Earthquake: Stories to tell

This is the 4th report in a series of daily blogs. The 3rd report is here. I want to tell you stories.  These are the things that energize us.  These things move us to tears. Erick Luis was at home on the day of the earthquake.  When the shock hit Port Au Prince, his house…

Must. Read. This. One...


Haiti Earthquake: Airlift to Port Au Prince

This is the 3rd report in a series of daily blogs. The 2nd report is here. Like all days, today was both promising and difficult.  As well as surprising: as I draft this, we just felt another earthquake. Today a few of us flew by helicopter to Port Au Prince to deliver supplies to an…

Hmm, sounds interesting...


Haiti Earthquake: progress, but help still needed

This is the 2nd report in a series of daily blogs. The 1st report is here. It is amazing how different each day can be.  We are on day three here at the hospital, and we continually see additional teams of people coming in from around the world.  Additional supplies are also coming in, though…

I gotta read this...


Haiti Earthquake: first report

To those who don’t know, I have gone on an emergency mission with Operation Rainbow to help with relief from the Earthquake that has devastated Haiti.  And to those who will read on, please know that some of the images may be very tough to see. This post is to bring awareness to what’s going…

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What is Photography | Its meaning and use

Photography isn’t so much about capturing a subject as it is about capturing the light that falls off of a subject. “Um, sure – big deal…” you might say. The word ‘photography’ translates literally to “painting with light,” and capturing light is what’s occurring when you press the shutter button. Dramatic light is what brings about…

I gotta read this...


What is Composition and Why is it Important?

Once you’ve metered the shot, determined the right combination of shutter speed & aperture, you then create the composition.

The term “create” is intentional. My own philosophy when capturing a photo is not to focus on a subject, but to focus on the image. The image includes the background elements that complement the subject in focus. And it’s these elements that you arrange to create a composition.

I gotta read this...


Using Watermarks to Your Advantage

These days companies grab every opportunity possible to promote a widget.

Coffee-cup sleeves, garbage cans… soon we’ll probably see LCD screens at intersections while we wait for the light to turn green. (Could be interesting, actually…)

If you own of manage a website with proprietary images, and you are considering protecting your images from download by using Flash or some other means to prevent easy-copying of your photos, consider not protecting them at all from download. To understand this idea, you have to realize that: 1.) images are never fully protected from download on the ‘net, and 2.) your site can benefit from increased traffic via watermarks.

Ok, show me the goods...